About the organisation

Blueways is a non-profit organization who, through commitment and several specific projects, wants to combat poverty in Madagascar. The organization was formed in 2016 by a number of dedicated enthusiasts, and consists of volunteer members with a variety of skills that are essential to the organization's projects and visions. All projects are mainly funded by private donations, gifts, collections and / or volunteer efforts of individuals or enterprises.

Core values

Commitment - Compassion - Solidarity



We want to help Madagascar to get out of poverty. We want welfare for the urban population as well as people from the countryside. We want them to be happy and to be able to stand on their own feet. Our aim is that all Malagasy people should be proud of their respective cultural identities, languages, cultures and traditions.


Uniform children IDENTITY: One must know ones own identity in order to evolve. Promotion of Malagasy culture and language is one of our key focus areas.
Madagascar dry land INDEPENDENCE: We will provide equipment and training to help enable farmers to become self-sufficient in access to water. This will help them considerably to become economically independent, as access to clean water is at present very expensive.
Madagascar dry land EFFICIENCY: The efficiency of farmers and agriculture is also a major focus for us. We will contribute with knowledge of new methods, as well as simple but effective equipment.